Club la Lune Rousse (JdR) > Recherche aventuriers pour mission délicate

Who wants to play in English?

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I've been toying with the idea of mastering a few gaming sessions in English. I just wanted to see how many people might be interested by the idea before going any further. So my question is: would you like to play an entire gaming session in English? No French allowed!

I'm really out of practice and this would be a good way for me to keep speaking English and not lose touch with the language. I'm not asking for perfect English speakers, and am not proposing that we turn these sessions into English teaching lessons. Just gather round a table with pens, papers, dice and whatever crap we wish to fill our bellies with and have a good time together.

If enough people are interested, we'll start discussing the specifics (which game to play? When? How often?). Maybe even open a specific section of the forum for us.

So, who's up for it?

Edit: We now have our very own English speaking section!

*raises hand*

I book a seat.
And i'm thinking about a specific game to play.
Edit : Hey, what about Kult ?

As I said earlier, this thread is just to see if there are enough interested people to set up a game.

We'll decide the specifics later.

That said, I've never played Kult but would pretty much love to discover it if you're up for mastering it someday ;)

I'm interested even if my accent could kill your ears in the process :)


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