Club la Lune Rousse (JdR) > Recherche aventuriers pour mission délicate

Who wants to play in English?

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Funny, I was just pushing these days miss Lazybelle to step forward her wish to play / master in english. I guess she would be interested.

And.. of course, I'm in too ! That will be fun and a good practice for my TOEIC test in december (if a session is planned before that of course ;))

Anyway, excellent proposal, LarrxX  :D

I'm also very interesed in, this year y have no english lesson so it's a good way to continue to practice.

When i think that Larrxx was afraid of not having enough people interested....

Wooohoooo! Count me in! I'll be there! I'd love to participate and if all goes well perhaps next time I will be the master and you the players..mwahahaha! I mean...yes please :) Any game, any time, apart from Monday and Tuesday evenings!!! I'm flexible!

I wasn't expecting so many people would be interested. I'll go ask the admins to create a specific section for us in the Campaign forums. We'll be able to decide games and dates there without polluting the forum for the French speakers (frog eaters!).


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