Communauté forumesque > Les Trolls

[Jeukon] Générez votre identité de Super-Héros!

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--- Citer ---Scorpion Shadow
You gained your abilities after being stung by a radioactive scorpion!
Scorpion Transformation - You have the ability to transform yourself into a super-powered scorpion, with increased strength, speed and intelligence!
Shadow Control - You can manipulate and control shadows, using them to hide yourself or even as a mode of transportation (travelling from one shadow to another)! Now, you protect London from zombies, while also battling the evil plans of Viktor Reznik!
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Je suis :

--- Citer ---Captain Puma

J'ai obtenu mes pouvoirs après avoir été mordu par un chat radioactif !

Langage des chats - Vous pouvez parler à n'importe quel chat, et pouvez voir à travers leur yeux et êtes connecté mentalement avec eux ! Maintenant, c'est à vous de protéger Elm City des infractions de stationnement, mais aussi de défaire les plans machiavéliques du Nécromant des Âmes !
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Va falloir que je joue à Cats à Eclipse ?

PS : J'ai fait ma petite traduction, pour les anglophobes :p


--- Citer ---Mr Phantom
You are a vampire who's turned against the ways of evil – now, you fight your own kind, as well as those who would hunt you down for your previously wicked ways!
Spectral Form - With your abilities, you can transform yourself into a ghost, meaning you can pass through any barrier, communicate with other members of the recently-dead, and still move objects (or people) with your powers of kinesis!
Now, you protect Skull Island from organised criminals, while also battling the evil plans of Jesse Flint!
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Ca me va ^^

tu es donc mon double venu d'une dimension parallèle.

John Doe:

--- Citer ---The White Machine
You were created in a secret Government lab, but just as the evil scientists were about to destroy you as a failed experiment, you made a break for freedom! Now, you must use your powers, and avoid those sent to track you down!

Cybernetic Strength - Your cybernetic body gives you immense strength to tackle almost any feat of endurance! Now, you protect Midtown USA from serial killers, while also battling the evil plans of Jack Terminus!

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Je remercie toute personne connaissant Jack Terminus de me donner ses coordonnées.


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