Communauté forumesque > Oyez ! Oyez bonnes gens !
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ma dernière version, si vous y voyez qqch à changer. je me suis inspiré de ce que vous m'avez fourni, et je vous en remercie beaucoup !
Why do you want to become an astronaut? Maximum 750 characters
--- Code: ---Ever since my childhood, I have been curious about my surroundings - on earth as well as in space. At that time, astronaut was an inaccessible dream for me. So, I turned myself into Science, especially chemistry - a field in which my curiosity could partially be satisfied. Now that I have finished my studies, the possibility of becoming an astronaut offers itself to me and I don't want to let it pass. Betterment of humanity through my work would bring me enormous satisfaction, particularly if I could do it through this field which means so much to me.
Finally, to become an astronaut would be the fulfilment of my childhood dream as well as an incredible opportunity for me not only to satisfy my natural curiosity, but also to use my knowledge and abilities for a good cause. It is an amazing adventure!
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In your opinion, what are the main tasks that should be performed by an astronaut? Maximum 750 characters
--- Code: ---Astronauts have to accomplish many important tasks such as performing scientific experiments of all kinds in order to study microgravity, space vacuum, cosmic rays and their effects, to name a few. They should also be able to take care of the station they live in and the vehicle they travel in, and to repair them if necessary. They also must be able to provide first-aid for the co-workers whenever needed. Astronauts must be able to make fast and efficient decisions when the situation demands it. Despite the smallness of the space station, through their good cheer, astronauts must allow a good working environment with the team members. Finally, astronauts must make people dream through their stories.
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Write a candid description of yourself as a person (including assets and limitations) Maximum 750 characters
--- Code: ---I am a frank, honest, open-minded and curious person. It is this curiosity that led me to undertake scientific studies. I love participating in group activities such as board games. I tend to keep searching for an answer when I ask myself a question on any given subject. I like to share my knowledge (ideas & thoughts) with everyone. I shall sometimes be shy depending on the circumstances, but I am mostly open with others and full of warmth. I am a team player and am motivated to always keep things going which often made me find myself in a leading position. I possess a good sense of humour. Also, few things repel me. I can sometimes be impulsive but only when the situation demands it, otherwise I remain calm and careful.
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Use this space to add any further information to support your application (e.g. other professional or operational skills, experience with radio communication, exceptional versatilitiy, special awards or honours, etc.) Maximum 750 characters
--- Code: ---I have a good programming knowledge in fortran, and DOS languages, and generally in informatics.
During my PhD., I have worked on the design, the synthesis and the characterisation of nanoprobes for multiphotonic imaging. This work allows me to use and to ameliorate chemistry skills learned in school. Here is a small but not extensive list of what I have done:
- multi-step organic synthesis,
- work on laser optical systems,
- spectrophotometry on various molecules
- use of NMR, HPLC, GC coupled with mass spectroscopy, ...
I know the basis rules of working in radioactive places (internship in SCK-CEN on Belgium).
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Un point important de leur annonce était la solidité psychologique, tu n'en parles pas.
J'enlèverais bien le "bien qu'étant parfois timide", c'est trop négatif.
Il faut dire quelles langues tu parles, et donner tes centres d'intérêt (notamment sportifs). Après j'imagine que c'est dans le CV. Mais comme ils le demandent explicitement, ça a sa place dans la lettre de motivation.
oui, comme tu dis, les langues et les centres d'intérêts sportifs sont donnés précédement. pour ce qui est du "bien qu'étant parfois timide" je me suis dit qu'il fallait être franc et si y'a que du bon ça fait pas réaliste (comment ça, j'suis pas l'homme parfait ?)
pour la solidité psychologique, c'est pas faux
un truc du style "I am able to stay calm in stressed situations." serait-il bien ?
JE vous remercie tous pour l'aide que vous m'avez accordée... j'ai envoyé les textes. à plus.
--- Citation de: M'Bowwarrior ---JE vous remercie tous pour l'aide que vous m'avez accordée... j'ai envoyé les textes. à plus.
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bonne chance Manu pour réaliser le rêve de ma vie :wink:
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