Auteur Sujet: Who wants to play in English?  (Lu 8625 fois)

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Who wants to play in English?
« le: 07 octobre 2013 à 15:11 »
I've been toying with the idea of mastering a few gaming sessions in English. I just wanted to see how many people might be interested by the idea before going any further. So my question is: would you like to play an entire gaming session in English? No French allowed!

I'm really out of practice and this would be a good way for me to keep speaking English and not lose touch with the language. I'm not asking for perfect English speakers, and am not proposing that we turn these sessions into English teaching lessons. Just gather round a table with pens, papers, dice and whatever crap we wish to fill our bellies with and have a good time together.

If enough people are interested, we'll start discussing the specifics (which game to play? When? How often?). Maybe even open a specific section of the forum for us.

So, who's up for it?

Edit: We now have our very own English speaking section!
« Modifié: 04 avril 2014 à 18:19 par merson »
"I've experiments to run, there is research to be done, on the people who are... still alive." - GLaDOS
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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #1 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 15:27 »
*raises hand*


  • Tuatha dé Danann
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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #2 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 15:46 »
I book a seat.
And i'm thinking about a specific game to play.
Edit : Hey, what about Kult ?
Adversarii Fuisse Sublata
Ce message abrite une faute de français, si tu la déniches tu as gagné !


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #3 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 16:11 »
As I said earlier, this thread is just to see if there are enough interested people to set up a game.

We'll decide the specifics later.

That said, I've never played Kult but would pretty much love to discover it if you're up for mastering it someday ;)
"I've experiments to run, there is research to be done, on the people who are... still alive." - GLaDOS
"Automobiles have been the best mêlée weapons to use against monsters since the 50s." - Atomic Robo

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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #4 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 16:28 »
I'm interested even if my accent could kill your ears in the process :)


  • Tuatha dé Danann
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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #5 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 16:55 »
Perfect time and perfect place for someone I know ;)

A lady not so lazy !

I Bet she'll bring her enthusiasm here soon !
Je ne peux vivre que si mes poumons sont remplis de trois airs : le Rire, le Risque et le Rêve...

Et quand jeux mots d'air...
C'est en vers :13:

Sharp Chivers

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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #6 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 17:52 »
That sound like a wonderful idea !

Actually i think i'm good enough to understand almost everything in english but i have a serious lack of practice... So that would be a fun and entertaining way to do so.

Plus, i have a RP with rules in english. I would like to try it but i'm too laz... Huhum... I don't have the time to translate it.
So if someone who isn't alergic to ponies want to master a "MLP Savage world" game i will be there for sure.
(If i could i would master it myself but... I'm quite new in role play and i don't feel like i could...)
Agrogro chuis une tondeuse a gazon miam miam miam. Je vais te manger miam miam chuis une tondeuse a gazon.


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #7 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 18:34 »
Why not, that's song like a good way to practice... trouble for me: when schedule that ... Agree with LarrxX, game can be choice later.

So, interseting but I'd rather propose myself for a week end, not a lot of time another days

Le fils: J'ai réussi a mettre les comptes de la famille dans l'ordinateur. Le père: tu as mis quelque chose que je n'ai pas dans quelque chose que je ne comprends pas...


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #8 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 18:47 »
Peekaboo humans,

very good idea dear LarrxX.
But I'm interested in the same thing, mastering in English.
I'll probably tempt a Greyhawk Classic's session, one day, without informing players  >:D
For what you suggest to do, I want to see.

"OLAF" made in Newbury, Berkshire.


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #9 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 19:33 »
I would be interested in that ! I do not know if you could count me in (timetable...ahem), but once in a while, yes !

I happen to have Red Dwarf in English.

Olaf, as much as I find the idea interesting, please keep in mind that at least one Classic Player would not be able to speak and understand a word in English. I'm not giving any name but hey...;)
Par la Plume et par l'Epée ! (mais la rangers coquée fait aussi l'affaire)
Better dead than smeg.


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #10 le: 07 octobre 2013 à 20:03 »
Funny, I was just pushing these days miss Lazybelle to step forward her wish to play / master in english. I guess she would be interested.

And.. of course, I'm in too ! That will be fun and a good practice for my TOEIC test in december (if a session is planned before that of course ;))

Anyway, excellent proposal, LarrxX  :D
Tout à  une fin, sauf la banane qui en a deux.


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #11 le: 08 octobre 2013 à 02:24 »
I'm also very interesed in, this year y have no english lesson so it's a good way to continue to practice.
Fais que le rêve dévore ta vie afin que la vie ne dévore pas ton rêve .


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #12 le: 08 octobre 2013 à 08:48 »
When i think that Larrxx was afraid of not having enough people interested....
En ces temps de tromperie universelle, dire la vérité est un acte révolutionnaire.


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #13 le: 08 octobre 2013 à 17:07 »
Wooohoooo! Count me in! I'll be there! I'd love to participate and if all goes well perhaps next time I will be the master and you the players..mwahahaha! I mean...yes please :) Any game, any time, apart from Monday and Tuesday evenings!!! I'm flexible!


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #14 le: 08 octobre 2013 à 17:28 »
I wasn't expecting so many people would be interested. I'll go ask the admins to create a specific section for us in the Campaign forums. We'll be able to decide games and dates there without polluting the forum for the French speakers (frog eaters!).
"I've experiments to run, there is research to be done, on the people who are... still alive." - GLaDOS
"Automobiles have been the best mêlée weapons to use against monsters since the 50s." - Atomic Robo

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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #15 le: 08 octobre 2013 à 18:54 »
— Le ridicule ne tue pas.
— Ce qui ne tue pas rend plus fort.
— Donc faisez gaffe aux lapins.

Et n'oubliez pas : mangez du Chocolat.


  • Tuatha dé Danann
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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #16 le: 08 octobre 2013 à 19:11 »
Rien compris...


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Re : Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #17 le: 09 octobre 2013 à 02:01 »


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Re : Who wants to play in English?
« Réponse #18 le: 09 octobre 2013 à 09:13 »
Good news people, we now have our own section! The next step would be to set up a time, date and game for our first test game.

I'll lock this thread now and we'll start using the new section from now on. See you there!
"I've experiments to run, there is research to be done, on the people who are... still alive." - GLaDOS
"Automobiles have been the best mêlée weapons to use against monsters since the 50s." - Atomic Robo

 Je modère en bleu, comme une orange.